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corporate gifts      laser crystal      corporate gifts

Also available with Custom 3-D Laser Crystal Inscriptions. Please go to the Laser Crystal area of our drop-down menu.

Having a difficult time finding that Corporate Gifts that keeps your company in your customers mind?

Whatever your particular Art Glass Corporate Gifts needs are...   We look forward to delivering you exactly what you want how you want it at a price that you can appreciate and justify.

Let us make your elusive glass piece for you...  'Whatever size, shape, color, texture that you are looking for.

We will deliver exactly what you want...  

You can be the creative impression with your own "Glass Project" or let us help guide you in the creation of your special assignment. 

Keeping your interests and needs in mind while making your project, your project.

laser crystal    laser crystal


custom art glass production

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  PO Box 98, Kirkland WA 98083  .. Shop Address on Request   |   (206) 650-4265 Hot Shops   |   (425) 750-0003 Office